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June 18, 2017
Our Church fathers received and welcomed the festival guests and accompanied them in tours to different activities of the festival answering their questions and responding to their […]
June 25, 2017
An informative poster displayed during the festival to memorize and praise our Egyptian Christians martyrs who were attacked, tortured, killed, and discriminated against because they refused […]
June 25, 2017
A group of enthusiastic youth took the initiative and organized a fundraising event during the festival to support funding out of the province spiritual retreat during […]
June 19, 2017
This small museum displays, with descriptions different Alter vessels and Holy service books belong to St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church in Winnipeg since its start more than […]
June 19, 2017
The welcoming committee, The face and the smile of the festival who received, welcomed and guided the festival guests to different activities of the festival.
June 19, 2017
Automated presentation follows the steps of the Holy Family Trip in Egypt along with the detailed mega map that shows the Holy Family challenges and route […]